Hover over the tiles for descriptions of each spiritual gift. In-depth Teaching on Spiritual Gifts, Podcast Series administration / governance The Holy Spirit works through an administrators’ passion for organizing and managing resources. Administrators often love details, delegating tasks, and tying up loose ends for effective productivity for kingdom purposes. Saint: St. Frances Xavier Cabrini apostle / shepherd Those with this charism nurture and guide others in a group setting as they journey together in their faith. They develop relationships with those in the group to form and empower them in their relationship with Christ and with one another. Saint: St. Teresa of Avila caregiving The Holy Spirit works through caregivers to bear the limitations of others and help them do daily tasks more effectively. Similar to Mercy, Caregiving provides long-term practical assistance and relief, and involves a willingness to help others even when the jobs are messy or involve getting into close proximity with people who are elderly, disabled, sick, or handicapped. Saint: Blessed Margaret of Castello communication When the Holy Spirit works through the Communication gift in writing or speaking, the person receiving the message finds it particularly personal and incisive, as though “You were speaking directly to me.” Saint: St. John Chrysostom craftsmanship This gift involves any art or craft or skill, from painting to pottery, to woodwork or weaving, computer skills or photography — any art or craft that is used to the glory of God. Exodus 28:3-4, Jeremiah 18:1-6, Exodus 35:35 Saint: St. Joseph discernment The Holy Spirit works through Discernment to distinguish between truth and error and to identify whether something is of God or the enemy. This gift is not a simple human “knowing,” as it involves knowledge of God and Scripture, and intimate prayer. Saint: St. Padre Pio encouragement The Holy Spirit works through Encouragers to lift the spirits of others. Encouragers are exceptional listeners, they help others to feel heard, seen, and cared for, often leading them to a renewed sense of well-being and new hope. They are conduits of hope and mercy, and feel energized by these encounters of love. Saint: St. Elizabeth of the Trinity evangelism The Holy Spirit works through Evangelism to bring others to the Church and to deeper discipleship within and beyond the parish. This gift involves a boldness in sharing the Good News and one’s personal faith journey. Acts 8:26-40, II Timothy 4:5 Saint: St. Patrick faith Christians with the gift of Faith possess an extraordinary confidence in God’s promises, power, and presence that allows them to take heroic risks for God’s work. His responsive intervention increases faith for all, because those with this gift firmly trust that God will come through, even when there is no concrete evidence. Hebrews 11 Saint: Pope St. Kyrillos generosity / giving This gift operates from a spirit of selflessness, requiring no recognition or reward for giving one’s time, talent, and treasure with extraordinary generosity to those in need. 2 Corinthians 8: 1-5, Matthew 6: 1-4 Saint: St. Clare of Assisi healing The Charism of Healing empowers a Christian to be a channel of God’s love through whom God cures illness and restores health when healing is unlikely to occur quickly or to happen at all (Catholic Encyclopedia), especially through touch and pronouncement of healing the Name of Jesus Christ. Saint: Archangel St. Raphael hospitality The Holy Spirit works through this gift to warmly welcome and care for those in need of food, shelter, and friendship. Those with this gift encounter Christ in the stranger and/or feel fulfilled in bringing people together under a feeling of “home.” Saint: St. Benedict of Nursia intercession Those with this charism exhibit a profound trust in the activity of the Holy Spirit interacting in the lives of others, especially those in need. They feel strongly called to pray and intercede for others with patience, empathy, and compassion, confident that God hears and responds to their prayers. Saint: St. Therese, the Little Flower knowledge The Charism of Knowledge empowers a Christian to be a channel of God’s truth through diligent study and intellectual activity that enables us to better understand God, ourselves, and the universe (Catholic Encyclopedia). Word of Knowledge includes knowledge one does not acquire by usual means. Ephesians 3: 14-19, Hosea 6:6 Saint: St. Teresa Benedict of the Cross Edith Stein leadership Those with this charism can uniquely see the God-given gifts of others and empower them, individually and collectively, to use those gifts to bring God’s goodness into the world and to build the kingdom. They keep everyone in balance as they bring to completion an envisioned work, and often model servant leadership with a deep reverence for the “other.” Saint: St. Catherine of Siena mercy Those with this charism are compelled to relieve physical, spiritual, or emotional suffering with great sacrifice and tenderness. They share God’s love with exceptional empathy and compassion. saint: Dorothy Day missions Those with this charism are globally and culturally aware of the universal Church. The seek to grow the Kingdom by teaming up with and/or serving people of different cultural, ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds with whom they feel at home as part of their community. Saint: St. Mother Theresa of Calcutta musicianship Those with this charism use their abilities of musical writing and/or performing (vocally/instrumentally) to offer praise and worship to God and for the enjoyment of others. They passionately experience Christ’s presence and help lead others to encounter God’s presence through the gift of music. Saint: St. Hildegard of Bingen prophecy The Charism of Prophecy empowers a Christian to be a channel of divine truth and wisdom by communicating a word or call of God to individuals or a group through inspired words or actions (Catholic Encyclopedia). Saint: St. John the Baptist service / helps Those with the Service gift enjoy pitching in and do whatever big or small task is needed, no matter how tedious or detailed, to assist another in faithfully responding to his or her call. Saint: Our Lady the Blessed Mother teaching The Charism of Teaching empowers a Christian to be a channel of God’s truth and wisdom by enabling others to learn information and skills that help them reach their fullest spiritual and personal potential (Catholic Encyclopedia). Saint: St. John Bosco trust Those with the Charism of Trust exhibit unusual long-term trust in the love, power, and provision of God, especially against seeming evidence to the contrary. They continue in obedience long after others are gone or have given up, and they inspire deeper trust in those around them. Saint: St. John the Apostle wisdom The Charism of Wisdom empowers a Christian to be a channel of God’s light through a remarkable insight that enables him or her to see order in disorder, and therefore creative solutions to complicated problems. Saint: St. John of the Cross In-Depth Coverage of Spiritual Gifts Friends of the Show get all Premium Content. 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